Brian Siders Training Log (2024)

My main philosophy revolves around high to very high volume and lots of variation

I currently use the HIT method, which consists of very short but intense workouts...

Now seriously, my training is based on a combination of western routines combined with high volume european/ russian routines. The volume is similar to the latter, but instead of performing the bp 4 times a week (i.e. Sheiko), I will hit the same volume but add in a greater number of variety in regards to training different movements, instead of doing each competition lift several times per week. Each workout is set up pretty simple, where at each workout I try to hit a minimum of 12 exercises.

The first 4 exercises serve as a warm up, work for neglected areas, prehab or rehab, and to increase conditioning and work capacity. When I first started doing this, the initial movements would affect (negatlively) my core movements, but now they do not. Exercises 5 through 8 typically are core movements that either consist of the competion lift, a variation of the lift, or some compound movement that aids in increasing the competition lift. The last 4 exercises are assistance exercises that work the individual muscle groups involved in the competition lift. It has taken around 9 years to work up to this type of volume and capacity.

I have no specific system (it is a combination of many with my own twists), just a long process of trial and error combined with endless hours in the gym.

I seem to respond best by doing as much volume as I can handle. Of course sometimes I go too far and get overtrained and have to take a week off, but when I come back I'm stronger than ever.

The best way for me not to overtrain is to back down in intensity every few weeks on the core lifts (except for the last few weeks before a meet) and maintain volume. Its not exact, but about every 4th week, I drop the volume about 10 to 15 percent on core exercises and assistance work.

When I was in graduate school full time, I would not usually have one large block of time throughout the day, so some days I would split up the training and it seemed to work just fine. You just have to experiment to see how you can split it up. One way to start is to do your main exercises in the morning and assistance work in the second workout. In this case, you will find that you will be able to handle more weight on your assistance exercises.

Sunday, July 31 2005

Warm up exercises-

1/ Standing obliques- 190x20x3
2/ mini band rear delts- 3x20
3/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band rotator cuff- 3x15
5/ standing rope pulls to chest- 190x10x3

Core exercises-

1/ bp (comp grip)- 315x5x2, 365x5, 405x5, 455x5, 495x5, 530x5x5
2/ 3 board bp- 565x6x4
3/ doubled mini bp (med grip)- 315x6, 365x6x3
4/ standing shoulder press (strict, no leg movement)- 225x6, 315x6x2
5/ Cambered bar bp (4 inch increase ROM) with green bands choked- 315x6, 355x6x4

Assistance exercises-

1/ barbell triceps ext-225x10x3
2/ chain suspended push ups- 4 sets of 10
3/ light band triceps ext- 4 sets of 25
4/ mini band side raises- 3 sets of 20
5/ 3 way shoulder raises- 25s with 20 reps to front, 20 to side, and 20 to rear (60 reps total)
6/ green band standing abs- 1 set of 100

Monday Aug 1, 2005

Warm up exercises

1/ standing abs- 190x20x3
2/ db rotator cuff work- 3 sets of 15
3/ light band triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band rear delts- 3x25
5/ 45 degree hyper ext- 3 sets of 10

Core exercises-no belt or equipment

1/ box squats (wider than normal stance) with strong bands choked- 425x5x8
2/ box squats with strong bands (normal stance)- 425x10
3/ Good mornings- 355x6x6 with 60 sec in between sets
4/ conv dl standing on 2 inch blocks- 405x5x2, 495x3, 585x2, 675x1, 735x1 (PR), 770 missed at lockout
5/ sumo dl with doubled minis standing on 2 inch platform- 455x6x4

Assistance exercises

1/ seated close grip face pulls- 245x6x3
2/ seated wide grip face pulls- ...
3/ lat pulls- ...
4/ lat pulls with upside down lat bar- ...
5/ wide grip palms facing lat pulls- ...
6/ fat bar lat pulls- ...
7/ chain suspended bodyweight rows- 3 sets of 6
8/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 25

Tuesday Aug 2, 2005

Warm up exercises

1/ Doubled mini triceps ext- 3 x 15
2/ mini band rear delts- 3x20
3/ mini band rotator cuff- 3x15
4/ standing abs- 190x20x3
5/ ivanko gripper holds- 3 sets of 20 sec each hand

Core exercises-

1/ close grip bp- 315x5x2, 365x5, 405x5, 455x5, 500x3x8
2/ 4 board cg- 500x8x3
3/ chain bp (med grip with 90 lbs of chain at the top- 315x6, 385x6x3
4/ close grip rep set- 405x10
5/ ascending boards (rested long enough for partner to change boards)- 335x5 (no board), 335x5 (1 board), 335x5 (2 boards), 335x5 (3 boards), 335x5 (4 boards). used a medium grip

Assistance exercises-

1/ triceps ext with triceps strap- 140x12x4
2/ standing rope face pulls- 170x15x3
3/ light band (tied knot in the end of each band) triceps ext- 4 sets of 25
4/ mini band side raises- 3 sets of 24 (8 reps with thumbs up, 8 with thumbs out and 8 with thumbs down)
5/ leg raises- 3 sets of 20

Wed, August 3, 2005

Just did assistance work for lats, abs and shoulders. No core exercises.

1/ Standing abs- 4 sets of 25
2/ db rotator cuff work- 3 sets of 15
3/ push ups- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band rear delts- 3 sets of 20
5/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 25
6/ leg raises- 3 sets of 15
7/ close grip face pulls- 245x8x3
8/ wide grip face pulls- ...
9/ close grip lat pulls- ...
10/ wide grip lat pulls- ...
11/ wide grip palms facing lat pulls- ...
12/ fat bar lat pulls- ...
13/ side delt raises- 55sx12x3
14/ rear delt raises- ...
15/ front raises with 50lb med ball- 3 sets of 12
16/ light band triceps ext- 4 sets of 30

Thurs Aug 4, 2005

Warm up exercises-

1/ standing obliques- 190x20x3
2/ 45 degree hyper ext- 3 sets of 10
3/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
4/ green band pull apart- 3 sets of 15
5/ mini band rotator cuff- 3 sets of 15

Core exercises-

1/ Close stance squats- 415x6, 465x6, 515x6x2
2/ speed squats (on box)- 485x2x12 with 45 sec rest
3/ bent over gm's- 405x6x2, 425x6x2, 425x12 (PR)
4/ speed dl (sumo standing on 2 inch blocks)- 445x1x20
with 25 sec rest
5/ stiff legged dl on 2 inch blocks- 445x6x5

Assistance work-

1/ static wall sits holding 50lb medicine ball- 2 sets of 60 seconds
2/ Glute ham- 40 reps in 3 minutes
3/ green band standing abs- 100 reps
4/ ivanko gripper holds- 3 sets each hand of 20 sec
5/ reverse side bends- 130x10x3

Friday, Aug 5th, 2005

Warm up exercises:

1/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
2/ db rotaror cuff work- 3 sets of 15
3/ light band pull aparts- 3 sets of 20
4/ standing abs- 190x20x3
5/ hyper ext in glute ham- 3 sets of 10

Core exercises-

1/ seated shoulder press- 275x5x2, 315x5x2, 335x5x2, 365x5x2
2/ Close grip inclines- 275x6, 315x6, 375x6x5
3/ Floor Press (med grip)- 315x5, 365x5, 405x5, 425x5x2
4/ Speed bp with 90 lbs of chains (3 diff grips)- 315x3x10
5/ reverse band bp with green bands (close grip)- 315x5, 405x5, 495x5, 545x3, 585x3

Assistance exercises-

1/ Strip the rack soulder press- 225x8x3
2/ green band standing abs- 100 reps
3/ triceps pushdown with doubled mini- 130x10x4
4/ green band triceps ext- 3 sets of 20
5/ light band side raises- 3 sets of 20 each arm
6/ close grip face pulls- 220x6x3
7/ wide grip face pulls- ...
8/ front lat pulldowns- ...
9/ lat pulls with upside down lat bar- ...
10/ wide grip lat pulls to stomach- ...
11/ close grip palms facing lat pulls- ...

Saturday, Aug 6, 2005

Warm up exercises-

1/ standing obliques- 3 sets of 20
2/ light band pull throughs- 3 sets of 15
3/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 20
4/ mini band rear delts- 3 sets of 20
5/ mini band rotator cuff work- 3 sets of 15

Core exercises- no gear

1/ squats- 415x5x2. 505x3x2, 575x3x8
2/ close stance box squats with 120 lbs of chain- 445x6x3
3/ DL- 415x5x2, 465x5, 525x3x8
4/ DL standing on 5 inch platform- 435x6x5

Assistance exercises-

1/ 45 degree hyper ext- 3x12 with 50 lb med ball
2/ db side bends- 100x12x3
3/ strong band GMs- 3 sets of 15
4/ hex db holds- 40s for 3 sets of 15 sec
5/ leg raises- 3 sets of 20

Sunday, Aug 7, 2005

Warm up exercises-

1/ standing rope face pulls- 3 sets of 15
2/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20 with 190
3/ mini band rotator cuff- 3 sets of 15
4/ doubled mini triceps- 3 sets of 15
5/ mini band front raises- 3 sets of 15

Core exercises-

1/ BP (comp grip)- 315x5x2, 365x5, 405x5, 455x5, 495x5, 515x5, 545x5, 565x5, 575x5
2/ 3 board bp- 585x5, 605x3. 635x3, 655x3, 675x3, 705x3x2
3/ green band bp (med grip) with bands double choked- 315x6, 365x6, 385x6, 410x6
4/ cambered bar bp (4 inch increased ROM) with 90 lbs of chain- 315x6, 365x6x3
5/ standing shoulder press- 225x5, 275x5, 315x5, 370x5 (PR)

Assistance work-

1/ chain suspended push ups- 4 sets of 12
2/ barbell triceps ext- 225x12x3
3/ light band triceps ext with knots tied in the end of the bands- 3 sets of 30
4/ standing abs with green band- 100 reps
5/ 3 way shoulder raises (1 giant set)- 25sx20 to front, 20 to side, and 20 to rear.

August 8, 2005

Warm up exercises-

1/ mini band rotator cuff- 3 sets of 15
2/ mini band side raises- 3 sets of 12
3/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
4/ standing obliques- 3 sets of 20
5/ 45 degree hyper- 3 sets of 12
6/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 20

Core exercises-

1/squats- 415x6x2, 505x6, 595x6, 660x6 (wore belt on last set)
2/ speed squats (on box)- 505x2x10 (45 sec rest)
3/ DL with 35lb plates- 415x6x2, 485x6x2, 560x6
4/ speed DL with same plates standing on 2 inch block-
415x1x20 (25 sec rest)
5/ close stance bent over GMs- 325x6x4, 325x12 (45 sec rest between each set)

Assistance work-

1/ Lats- 18 sets of 6 with 6 diff exercises on lat machine. Used 255
2/ side bnds on 45 degree hyper- 3 sets of 10 to each side
3/ green band standing abs- 100 reps
4/ leg raises- 3 sets of 20
5/ green band leg curls- 3 sets of 25

August 9, 2005

Warm up exercises:

1/ standing abs- 190x20x3
2/ standing rope face pulls- 3 sets of 15
3/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band rotator cuff- 3 sets of 15
5/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 20
6/ 15lb med ball toss- 40 throws in various ways

Core exercises:

1/ close grip bp- 315x12, 355x10, 395x8, 435x6, 475x5, 515x3, 555x1, 515x3, 475x5, 435x6, 395x8, 355x10, 315x12
2/ 3 board close grip bp- 475x6x3
3/ 4 board close grip bp- 505x6x2, 505x10
4/ chain bp (med grip) with 120 lbs of chain- 315x6, 365x6x4

Assistance work-

1/ 1 arm db overhead press- 100x10x4 each side
2/ triceps pushdown with triceps strap- 150x10x3
3/ triceps pushdown with straight bar- 150x10x3
4/ overhead triceps ext- 150x10x3
5/ fat bar triceps ext- 160x10x3
6/ mini band side raises- 3 sets of 30 (10 reps with thumbs up, 10 with thumbs out, and 10 with thumbs down)
7/ green band standing abs- 100 reps


Warm up exercises-

1/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20
2/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
3/ mini band front raises- 3 sets of 12
4/ mini band rotator cuff- 3 sets of 15
5/ light band pull aparts- 3 sets of 20

Core exercises-

1/ BP(competion grip)- 315x5x2, 365x5, 405x5, 455x5, 505x3x2, 575x3x8, 575x5
2/ 3 board bp- 585x3, 605x3, 635x3, 655x3, 675x3, 705x3x3
3/ bp with 2 sec pause- 475x6x3
4/ med grip band bp (green bands double choked)- 405x6x4

Assistance work

1/ triceps ext with triceps strap- 150x12x4
2/ light band triceps ext (bands had knots tied on the ends)- 4 sets of 25
3/ mini band side raises- 3 sets of 24 with 3 different hand positions
4/ standing rope face pulls- 150x15x3
5/ standing db shoulder press- did five reps with each dumbbell in one set- 10s, 15s, 20s, 25s, 30s, 35s, 40s, 45s, 50s, 55s, 60s, 65s, 60s, 55s, 50s, 45s, 40s, 35s, 30s, 25s, 20s, 15s, 10s (115 reps total)
6/ standing abs with green band- 100 reps


Warm up exercises-

1/ 45 degree back raises-3 sets of 10
2/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20
3/ db external rotator rotation- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band rear delts- 3 sets of 20
5/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 20

Core exercises-

1/ squats- 405x6x2, 505x6, 585x6, 675x6, 710x6 (belt and loose wraps on last set)
2/ speed squats on box- 505x2x10 with 45 sec rest
3/ dl (sumo) with 35 lb plates- 405x6x2, 505x6, 555x6, 605x6
4/ speed dl standing on 4 inch platform (sumo)- 415x1x20 with 25 sec rest
5/ bent over GMs- 335x6x6 with 45 sec rest between sets

Assistance exercises-

1/ seated close grip face pulls- 225x6x3
2/ seated wide grip face pulls- ...
3/ lat pulls- ...
4/ wide grip lat pulls to stomach-...
5/ upside down lat bar- ...
6/ palms facing pulldowns- ...
7/ glute ham- 2sets of 12, 1 set of 15
8/ 45 degree side bends- 2 sets of 12, 1 sets of 15
9/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 20
10/ green band standing abs- 100 reps


Warm up exercises-

1/ standing abs- 3 sets of 25
2/ light band pull aparts- 3 sets of 20
3/ light band triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band rotator cuff work- 3 sets of 15
5/ mini band pec flies- 3 sets of 20

Core exercises

1/ Close grip bp- 315x6x2, 365x6, 405x6, 425x6, 455x6, 475x6, 500x6
2/ close grip 4 board bp- 495x8, 515x8, 525x8 (PR set of 8)
3/ med grip chain bp (90 lbs of chain)- 315x6, 365x6, 405x6, 435x6, 475x6 (PR set of 6)
4/ close grip rep set- 405x11
5/ standing shoulder press- 225x5, 275x5, 325x5x2

Assistance exercises

1/ hex db push ups- 6 sets of 10 with 30 sec rest
2/ front plate raises (seated)- 45x15x3
3/ standing rope pulls to neck- 150x15x3
4/ db triceps ext- 55s x10x4
5/ doubled mini triceps ext- 100 total reps in 150 seconds


Warm up exercises

1/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20
2/ db rotator cuff ext- 3 sets of 15
3/ mini band rear delts- 3 sets of 20
4/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
5/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 20

Core exercises

1/ Box squats (wider than normal stance) with 1 set of strong bands and 1 set of light bands (choked)- 415x5x8
2/ close stance squats- 505x6x3
3/ Good mornings- 315x6, 365x6, 425x6x4
4/ sumo dl standing on 2 inch platform with doubled minis- 425x5x2, 475x5, 525x5, 575x5 (PR)
5/ stiff legged dl- 425x6, 515x6, 565x6, 625x8 (PR)

Assistance exercises

1/ lat pull down with fat bar- 225 plus doubled minix6x3
2/ close grip palms facing lat pull- ...
3/ wide grip palms facing lat pull- ...
4/ close grip face pulls- ...
5/ wide grip face pulls- ...
6/ regular lat pulls- ...
7/ db side bends- 100x10x3 to each side
8/ green band standing abs- 100 reps


Warm up exercises-

1/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20
2/ light band triceps ext- 3 sets of 20
3/ light band pull aparts- 3 sets of 20
4/ dumbbell rotator cuff ext- 3 sets of 15
5/ light band upright row- 3 sets of 15

Core exercises

1/ cambered bar bp (3 inch increase ROM)- 315x6, 365x6, 415x6x2
2/ floor press (med grip)- 315x5, 365x5, 405x5, 425x5, 460x6 (PR)
3/ steep incline bp (close grip)- 315x6, 385x6x5, 405x6
4/ seated shoulder presses- 275x8, 315x8x4
5/ speed bp (3 diff grips) with choked strong bands- 315x3x10

Assistance work

1/ hammer strength shoulder press- 315x10x3
2/ mini band side raises- 3 sets of 20
3/ triceps pushdowns- 150x10x3
4/ overhead triceps ext on pushdown machine- ...
5/ neutral grip triceps pushdown- ...
6/ triceps pushdown with triceps strap- ...
7/ lying triceps ext off bottom pulley- ...
8/ standing abs with green band- 100 reps

Friday 8-26-05

Warm up exercises

1/ 45 degree hyper ext- 3 sets of 10
2/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20
3/ mini band rear delts- 3 sets of 25
4/ mini band rotator ext- 3 sets of 15
5/ light band pull throughs- 3 sets of 15

Core exercises

1/ Box squat with 120 lbs of chains- 405x5x2, 495x3, 585x3, 675x3, 705x3 (PR)
2/ wide stance squats with pause at bottom- 405x5, 505x5x7
3/ Sumo dl standing on 5 inch box- 405x6x2, 455x6, 505x6
4/ wide stance sumo dl (2 inches wider on each side than normal)- 525x3x10
5/ pin dl (conv) from 3 inches below knees- 440x5, 530x5, 620x5, 710x5, 800x5 (PR)

Assistance work

1/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 20
2/ green band gms- 3 sets of 20
3/ green band standing abs- 100 reps
4/ side bends- 3 sets of 12
5/ glute ham raises- 3 sets of 12

Saturday 8-27-05

1/ Standing abs- 4 sets of 25
2/ db rotator cuff work- 3 sets of 15
3/ mini band triceps ext- 3 sets of 50
4/ light band pull aparts- 3 sets of 20
5/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 25
6/ leg raises- 3 sets of 15
7/ close grip face pulls- 250x8x3
8/ wide grip face pulls- ...
9/ close grip lat pulls- ...
10/ wide grip lat pulls to stomach- ...
11/ wide grip palms facing lat pulls- ...
12/ fat bar lat pulls- ...
13/ chest supported db rows- 120sx10x3
14/ rear delt raises- 50x12x3
15/ straight legged sit ups- 3 sets of 12
16/ standing obliques- 3 sets of 20

Sunday 8-28-05

Warm up exercises-

1/ light band triceps ext- 3 sets of 20
2/ light band pull apart- 3 sets of 20
3/ db rotator cuff ext- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band flies- 3 sets of 25
5/ standing abs- 180x20x3

Core exercises

1/ shirt work- 315x5x2, 365x5, 405x5, 455x5, 495x3, 545x2, 585x1, 635x1, 675x1 (put on shirt and went to 3 boards), 705x1 (to 1 board), 725x1x3 (touched)
2/bp (no shirt)- 495x3, 545x3, 585x3x4, 595x3x4
3/ 3 board bp- 605x3, 635x3, 655x3, 675x3, 705x3, 725x3x2
4/ bp with 2 sec pauses- 495x6x3
5/ band bp with med grip (strong bands)- 405x6x5

Assistance work

1/ machine triceps press- started at 20 and did 5 reps, kept adding 10lbs up to end of stack and only resting long enough for partner to change weight (did 5 reps ranging from 20 to 200 and back down to 20 in 10 lb increments)
2/v bar triceps ext supersetted with regular triceps ext- 150 for 3 sets of 10 each
3/ standing rope face pulls- 150x20x3
4/ light band front raises- 3 sets of 15
5/ light band triceps ext- 4 sets of 30
6/ green band standing abs- 100 reps

Monday 8-29-05

Warm up exercises-

1/ 45 degree back raises-3 sets of 12
2/ standing abs- 3 sets of 25
3/ db external rotator rotation- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band rear delts- 3 sets of 20
5/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 25

Core exercises-

1/ squats- 405x6x2, 505x6, 585x6, 675x6, 735x6 (belt and loose wraps on last set)
2/ speed squats on box- 525x2x10 with 45 sec rest
3/ dl (sumo) with 35 lb plates- 405x6x2, 505x6, 555x6, 625x6
4/ speed dl standing on 4 inch platform (sumo)- 435x1x20 with 25 sec rest
5/ bent over GMs- 355x6x6 with 45 sec rest between sets

Assistance exercises-

1/ seated close grip face pulls- 2259 plus doubled mini) x6x3
2/ seated wide grip face pulls- ...
3/ lat pulls- ...
4/ wide grip lat pulls to stomach-...
5/ upside down lat bar- ...
6/ palms facing pulldowns- ...
7/ glute ham- 3 sets of 15
8/ 45 degree side bends- 3 sets of15

Tuesday 8-30-05

Warm up exercises-

1/ standing abs- 3 sets of 25
2/ light band pull aparts- 3 sets of 20
3/ light band triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
4/ mini band rotator cuff work- 3 sets of 15
5/ mini band pec flies- 3 sets of 20

Core exercises

1/ Close grip bp- 315x5x2, 365x5, 385x5, 405x5, 425x5, 455x5, 475x5, 495x5, 515x5
2/ close grip 4 board bp- 495x6, 515x8, 525x6, 545x6, 585x6, 605x6 (PR)
3/ med grip chain bp (120 lbs of chain)- 315x6, 365x6, 405x6, 435x6, 460x6 (PR set of 6)
4/ close grip rep set- 405x11
5/ standing shoulder press- 225x6, 275x6, 315x6x2

Assistance exercises

1/ hex db push ups- 6 sets of 10 with 30 sec rest (added mini band)
2/ front plate raises (seated)- 45x15x3
3/ standing rope pulls to neck- 170x15x3
4/ db triceps ext- 55s x12x4
5/ doubled mini triceps ext- 100 total reps in 150 seconds
6/ standing abs with green band- 100 total reps

Wednesday 8-31-05

Warm up exercises

1/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20
2/ db rotator cuff ext- 3 sets of 15
3/ mini band rear delts- 3 sets of 20
4/ doubled mini triceps ext- 3 sets of 15
5/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 20

Core exercises

1/ Box squats (wider than normal stance) with 1 set of strong bands and 1 set of light bands (choked)- 435x5x8
2/ close stance squats- 525x6x3 (used a low box)
3/ Good mornings- 315x6, 365x6, 445x6x4
4/ romaniam dl- 455x6x4
5/ snatch grip dl- 405x5, 455x5, 505x5x2

Assistance exercises

1/ lat pull down with fat bar- 200 plus 2 doubled minix6x3
2/ close grip palms facing lat pull- ...
3/ wide grip palms facing lat pull- ...
4/ close grip face pulls- ...
5/ wide grip face pulls- ...
6/ wall sits with 50lb med ball- 2 sets of 75 seconds
7/ green band leg curls- 3 sets of 20
8/ leg raises- 3 sets of 20

thursday 9-1-05

Warm up exercises-

1/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20
2/ light band triceps ext- 3 sets of 20
3/ light band pull aparts- 3 sets of 20
4/ mini band rotator cuff ext- 3 sets of 15
5/ light band face pulls- 3 sets of 15

Core exercises

1/ cambered bar bp (3 inch increase ROM)- 315x6x2, 365x6, 445x6x2
2/ steep incline bp (close grip)- 315x6, 365x3, 375x3, 385x3, 395x3, 405x3, 425x3, 445x3, 465x3, 485x3
3/ seated shoulder presses- 275x6, 295x6, 315x6, 335x6, 365x10 (PR)
4/ speed bp (3 diff grips) with double choked average bands- 315x3x10
5/ decline close grip bp- 315x5, 365x5, 405x5, 455x5

Assistance work

1/ hammer strength shoulder press- 315x12x3
2/ mini band side raises- 3 sets of 20
3/ triceps pushdowns- 150x12x3
4/ overhead triceps ext on pushdown machine- ...
5/ neutral grip triceps pushdown- ...
6/ triceps pushdown with triceps strap- ...
7/ lying triceps ext off bottom pulley- ...
8/ standing abs with green band- 120 reps

Friday 9-2-05

Warm up exercises

1/ 45 degree hyper ext- 3 sets of 10
2/ standing abs- 3 sets of 20
3/ mini band rear delts- 3 sets of 25
4/ mini band rotator ext- 3 sets of 15
5/ light band pull throughs- 3 sets of 15

Core exercises

1/ Box squat with 120 lbs of chains- 405x5x2, 495x3, 585x3, 675x3x3
2/ wide stance squats with pause at bottom- 455x5, 535x5x7
3/ Sumo dl standing on 5 inch box- 405x6, 455x6, 505x6,525x6
4/ wide stance sumo dl (2 inches wider on each side than normal)- 540x3x10
5/ pin dl (conv) from 5 inches below knees- 440x5, 530x5, 620x5, 710x5 (did all sets stiff legged)

Assistance work

1/ ivanko gripper- 3 sets of 20
2/ green band gms- 3 sets of 25
3/ green band standing abs- 120 reps
4/ side bends- 3 sets of 12
5/ glute ham raises- 3 sets of 12

Saturday- 9-3-05

just did a few ab exercises, stretched and did about 20 sets of lats including various pulldowns and some wide grip chin ups. Also did a few sets of hammer curls.

Brian Siders Training Log (2024)


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Author: Foster Heidenreich CPA

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Author information

Name: Foster Heidenreich CPA

Birthday: 1995-01-14

Address: 55021 Usha Garden, North Larisa, DE 19209

Phone: +6812240846623

Job: Corporate Healthcare Strategist

Hobby: Singing, Listening to music, Rafting, LARPing, Gardening, Quilting, Rappelling

Introduction: My name is Foster Heidenreich CPA, I am a delightful, quaint, glorious, quaint, faithful, enchanting, fine person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.